JC Journeys est le rêve d'une vie pour les directeurs fondateurs Jane et Cassian Roberts. Leur mission est d'aider les autres à développer davantage et à rencontrer la foi, à travers des voyages vers les lieux saints du monde.


La vision de JC Journeys est de vous aider à expérimenter l'amour du Seigneur dans votre cœur à travers la beauté de la nature, les merveilles du monde et sur les traces des saints.

Des lieux exceptionnels pour des voyages remplis de foi

Bienvenue sur JC Voyages !

Rejoignez-nous pour découvrir la magnifique création de Dieu et approfondissons notre relation avec notre Seigneur Jésus, alors que nous voyageons vers certains des endroits les plus sacrés du monde...

Rencontrez Jane Roberts
  • Derniers lieux de pèlerinage

    Où que votre voyage de foi vous mène, nous pouvons vous aider avec des arrangements pratiques et vous conseiller sur les lieux de séjour appropriés.
    a group of our pilgrims enjoying lunch in Patmos
    par Monday 11th - Monday 18th September 2023 22 mars, 2024
    This is one of our favourite pilgrimages, Patmos is an island touched by Heaven! We will take you to the beautiful islands of Greece where you can explore timeless monasteries and churches. This trip promises to be a fun, relaxing and enriching experience in the most special of places.
    par Wednesday 31st July - Wednesday 7th August 2024 29 févr., 2024
    First established in 1989 by Franciscan priests, the Medjugorje Youth Festival (also know as 'Mladifest') is a yearly celebration to mark the birthday of the Virgin Mary for young Catholics. Every year thousands of young pilgrims join together in the small town for prayer, music, processions and pilgrimage of the Marion apparitions. In June 1981, the Virgin Mary appeared as a vision to several schoolchildren in Medjugorje, a town located in the Herzegovina region of Bosnia and Herzegovina, since then, Catholics worldwide have made the pilgrimage to the site now known for its unique atmosphere of prayer and serenity as well as miraculous happenings.
    par Sunday 7th - Saturday 13th April 2024 28 févr., 2024
    Inigo Lopez de Onaz y Loyola was born in the Castle of Loyola in the Basque country in North East Spain in 1491. He was one of 13 children born to a noble family and as a young man had ideas of chivalry, love and knighthood. In 1521 he was severely wounded by a cannonball during the Battle of Pamplona. During his recuperation in Loyola he had a vision of Our Lady with the Christ Child and experienced true compassion and a spiritual conversion. He began a journey to Jerusalem so that he could "kiss the earth where our Lord had walked". He founded the Jesuit Order and developed The Spiritual Exercises.
    25 févr., 2024
    Led by Regimental Headquarters Irish Guards 
    par Tuesday 15th - Tuesday 22nd October 2024 30 janv., 2024
    New Paragraph
    par Monday 4th - Sunday 10th November 2024 19 janv., 2024
    Join us as we embrace the deep devotion of this radiant servant of God to the Eucharist and his profound love for St. Francis of Assisi, which fueled his mission and his life. Carlo Acutis, a teenager with an extraordinary faith, saw the Eucharist as the "highway to heaven." In his brief but impactful life, he became an exemplar of Christian living in the modern world. We invite you to walk in his footsteps, to understand his unwavering belief in the Real Presence, and to let it transform your own spiritual journey.
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    Vous trouverez ci-dessous nos toutes dernières mises à jour et actualités concernant JC Journeys
    St George slaying the Dragon Icon
    par Jane Roberts 23 avr., 2020
    Happy St George's Day and an update on JC Journeys during the coronavirus time !
    A snowy Hermitage and Winter Palace in St. Petersburg, Russia
    par Anthony Evans 17 déc., 2019
    Read about our recent pilgrimage to explore Henri Nouwen’s commentary on Rembrandt’s depiction of the Prodigal Son in the incredible city of St Petersburg
    par Cosmo Samuel Brockway 07 nov., 2019
    Read for more detail about our once-in-a-lifetime Arctic Experience !
    par Cosmo Samuel Brockway 31 oct., 2019
    For information about Patmos 2020, click here. Continue reading to find out what happened on one of our previous trips to Patmos... As the last days of summer drew to a close we, along with fifty ‘pilgrims’ of all ages and backgrounds, flew off to the Greek islands for retreat holiday ‘A Touch of Heaven’. This unique escape is led by speaker and author David Payne of CaFe and is the perfect combination of faith and natural beauty. The setting for A Touch of Heaven was the idyllic isle of Patmos, a place renowned as the the setting for St John writing the book of Revelation. The legend says St John was praying in a cave overlooking the sea when Jesus appeared and taught him the mysteries of what was, what is and is to come. David has been visiting Patmos for many years and lectures on its history and spiritual heritage so we were in good hands! Our first day saw us exploring the island of Kos, the nearest airport to Patmos. After sampling local ice-cream on landing, we visited the fascinating Museum of Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine and heard about the island’s rich history including moving tales from the time of German wartime occupation. Later in the evening we boarded the ferry to much excitement and settled down to a delicious Greek supper with the local white wine and got to know each other to much laughter. On arriving at Patmos and the sleepy town of Skala later that night, we checked into the utterly charming Skala Hotel, with its bougainvillea covered balconies and salt water pool (with its own swim-up bar!) for a very good night’s sleep!
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