Happy St George's Day! And an update from JC Journeys
The story – as not much fact is actually known - about St George is that he lived between the years 275 – 303AD, that he was born into a noble Christian family in Cappadocia, Turkey and was executed on the orders of Emperor Diocletian in 303AF for not renouncing his Christian faith. His tomb is in Lod in Israel, not too far from Tel Aviv airport.
He was reputed to be an excellent soldier in the Praetorian Guard and stories of his heroic actions amazed the crusaders in Jerusalem during the 1100s.
St George’s flag was adopted as England’s official flag in 1190 and he was made patron Saint of England in 1350.
The myth about slaying the dragon is said to have been in Libya when the locals were feeding their children to a plague-bearing dragon which was ravaging their countryside. It happened to be the turn for the local princess to be sacrificed when St George was riding past and heroically saved the princess and killed the dragon once the whole town had agreed to convert to Christianity.
Did you know that he is also patron saint of Bulgaria, Palestine, Ethiopia, Greece, Lithuania and Russia?
St George's Tomb in Lod, Israel
Here at JCJourneys our office is located in a separate building at our farmhouse deep in the Worcestershire countryside. We are therefore able to continue working and are keeping busy with supporting our suppliers and friends around the world and planning pilgrimage trips for 2021 and beyond.
The charities we support are all doing exceptional work in these unprecedented times and I am delighted to update you with this information:
Friends of the Holy Land are running a Pentecost Challenge where they will match fund your donation to ensuring double the impact. The FHL team in Bethlehem have been out distributing money to desperate families in this area where there is no government assistance and people live a day to day existence and a majority of people are dependent on the tourist/pilgrimage business.
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The Waterberg Trust is raising funds for food and essential supplies for families in the Waterberg area of South Africa which is an area largely reliant on tourism for income. The charity helps uplift people in a rural corner of northern South Africa, supporting established educational, health, welfare and environmental projects on the Waterberg plateau.
Waterberg Trust Website
Tearfund, a Christian charity passionate about helping the poorest around the world, was born out of the compassion and generosity of the local church. The church is at its most effective being salt and light (Matthew 5:13-16)
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Mary’s Meals provides life-changing meals to some of the poorest children around the world.
Their wonderful Easter news is that ‘Our amazing teams in many of the countries where we deliver those meals, despite the school closures, have already found new ways to keep feeding those children at home. Working with the government ministries, community leaders and our incredible local volunteers we have established safe ways to bring the food to the homes of children for it to be cooked there'.
Mary's Meals Website
We look forward to being able to arrange some spiritually transformative travel for you soon.
We love to enthuse, encourage and invigorate the church, the body of Christ.
Keep positive, uplifted, prayerful, safe, and well!